Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation is an alternative to the adversarial system for
couples desiring to make their own decisions about the future. Dr.
Lydia Glass has been providing 27 years as a psychotherapist and over 25 years as a mediator.
This site provides couples with a wealth of information
about Mediation including the what,
why and how,
advantages, and frequently
asked questions. You may also find links
and featured books as well as professional
resources on Mediation.
 What Are The Benefits of Mediation
There are numerous benefits inherent in the Mediation process.
Mediation promotes communication and cooperation. Mediation allows
you to control the decisions that affect your life and your future.
Mediation is a confidential process, avoiding public disclosure
of personal issues. Mediation can usually be completed in less time
than a litigated divorce.
Mediation may be the key to solving disputes involving child custody,
spousal support, visitation schedules, child support, and any other
revisions or modifications to existing agreements.  Mediation Services
You can decide for yourself if Mediation is right for you. Lydia
Glass offers a consultation which may help you in your decision
process. If you need other information regarding Mediation or professional
help, please contact Lydia Glass at lydia_glass@msn.com.

New! Mediation over ZOOM
When one or both parties are out of town or out of state.

NEW!!! MEDIATION mobile app from Dr. Lydia Glass

This app provides detailed information regarding mediation services provided by Dr. Lydia Glass, including FAQs, contact information, and an easy way to get started with the mediation process. Available for Android, Apple iOS coming soon!

Besides specializing in Divorce Mediation,
Dr. Lydia Glass also runs her own private practice in
Pasadena, California as a Clinical Psychologist and as
a Marriage & Family Therapist. Dr. Glass has
also been providing psychotherapy for over 25 years...
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