The Mediation Process The parties meet with a Mediator in an impartial
and confidential environment. The Mediator guides the couple
through an examination of their future individual needs and the
needs of others involved. This includes child and spousal support,
parenting arrangements, custody, and division of property and debt.
In a series of 1 & 1/2 hour meetings (the average divorce is settled
in four to six Mediation sessions), the Mediator assists
the couple to structure a fair settlement agreement that is based
on their decisions, not the court's. The Mediatior addresses the long term effects of the couple's
agreements. Emotional issues that interfere with a fair agreement
are also addressed in Mediation. At the conclusion of the final Mediation session, the mediator
incorporates the couple's agreements into a marital settlement agreement.
This agreement may be entered as a final court decree. The agreement
and all other legal documents are processed and filed with the court
without the couple appearing in court.
If circumstances change following divorce or separation, the parties
may return to the impartial confidential environment of Mediation
to negotiate new arrangements. Research shows that compliance with
mediated agreements is high because the couple make their own decisions
about the future. 
Besides specializing in Divorce Mediation,
Dr. Lydia Glass also runs her own private practice in
Pasadena, California as a Clinical Psychologist and as
a Marriage & Family Therapist. Dr. Glass has
also been providing psychotherapy for over 25 years...
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