Psychotherapy is an intentional interpersonal relationship intended to increase an individual’s sense of well-being. For some, therapy can offer relief from the emotional pain caused by traumatic events. For others, it can offer a unique perspective of how and why we respond to external events in our environment; provide soundness and clarity of mind; and healthful alternatives to the choices we make.
Lydia Glass is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and licensed Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist with a private practice in Pasadena, California. Dr. Glass works with adults and adolescents in individual psychotherapy, couples therapy, in addition to marriage and family therapy. Areas of specialty include working with adults who were abused or neglected as children and working with issues surrounding divorce. She has a general practice in which she treats a wide range of problems such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem problems, relationship and interpersonal conflicts, sexual abuse and trauma survivors, drug and alcohol abuse, and issues related to divorce.
Dr. Glass is solution oriented and uses a contemporary psychodynamic and analytic approach in which work with the patient unfolds as a mutual, collaborative process in an atmosphere of safety and respect. The patient’s problems are understood within a context of past interpersonal experiences that often help clarify current problems. Dr. Glass' style of providing therapy is interactive as she seeks to find ways to encourage patients to live up to their potential.

NEW!!! MEDIATION mobile app from Dr. Lydia Glass

This app provides detailed information regarding mediation services provided by Dr. Lydia Glass, including FAQs, contact information, and an easy way to get started with the mediation process. Available for Android, Apple iOS coming soon!

Dear Dr. Glass,
I just wanted to say "Thank You!!" for changing my life. Prior to your hypnosis, I was haunted for years after a situation at the Post Office. In 2012, I came "crashing down again" after being in therapy with another doctor for years. That is when he suggested the hypnotherapy with you.
With every ounce of gratitude, I thank you for 'freeing' me from my hurtful past.
I imagine that many of the people you treat, you probably never hear from again and you never know what became of them.
I am one of your success stories: Hypnotherapy works! I have my life back again!
When I read in the newspaper about the military people harmed with PTSD, I know what they are experiencing (although theirs had a different origin) I only wish and pray that what you do with hypnotherapy could help all of them. Living under a shadow of the past is crippling and painful.
Thank you for my freedom.
Carol D.